
Showing posts from October, 2013

The Working Poor.....

I recently went somewhere with a friend and there was a speaker.  The speaker said; that $300 a month is what stands between the average family and bankruptcy.  Wow.  $300?  That seems like such a small amount.  What can $300 do? With the recent government shutdown and the up and downswings of the economy; the title "Working Poor" has never been more prevalent.  The disparity between the lower/middle class and upper class is getting bigger and bigger; with no end in sight.  When I was little, my parents were poor.  My dad shot pool for money and my mom worked at an insurance company.  We had government cheese, those big "bricks" of shredded wheat that looked and tasted like a Brillo pad, and powdered milk.  If we ran out of milk my mom would open up a can of evaporated milk and add water so we could have cereal.  My sister and I took brown paper garbage bags and went to the big field down the street from our apartment and collec...