
Showing posts from June, 2018

The loss of a friend and a mentor..

Smiling in his white jacket (the kids always teased him about how clean his was!) When my son joined Team 4935, I originally was just a spectator.  Someone to bring snacks and cheer for the team.  Then I took on the official role as Team Mom. I would sit in the stands and take pictures, post on social media, live stream our matches, and generally make a complete spectacle of myself, much to the chagrin of my child. This past season, our amazing Marketing Mentor, Kevin Gingerich, approached me and asked me if I wanted an official "Mentor" spot as his co-lead.  I jumped at the chance! To be official?  Heck yeah! I happily submitted to the background check and began looking for ways to be as much help to our team as I could. Our team is comprised of kids in all colors of the rainbow. Many of these kids have parents that don't speak English. Some have parents that escaped war-torn countries to be here. And Kevin welcomed them all. He showed me how to be a ment...

When the darkness seems like it will never become Dawn

I woke up this morning to the news that celebrity chef and Adventurer Anthony Bourdain had been found dead in his hotel room of an apparent suicide. I was shocked. Absolutely flabbergasted. Because this man seemed like he was a man who had everything. He clearly was fighting demons that nobody knew he was battling against. And if his friends and loved ones knew hew was battling, he didn't get the help that he needed or maybe even wanted. We may never know. Earlier this week, celebrity designer Kate Spade took her own life. She wasn't much older than I was. She had a son younger than my children. Again from the outside? This is a person who could do anything, go anywhere, see anything. Why would they give all that up? How can you leave your children to grow up without a parent? Kurt Cobain. Don Cornelius. Chester Bennington. Robin Williams. Chris Cornell. We ask ourselves so many times in cases of suicide, why? We think, It can never be THAT BAD for you to want to kill yourself....