The loss of a friend and a mentor..

Smiling in his white jacket (the kids always teased him about how clean his was!) When my son joined Team 4935, I originally was just a spectator. Someone to bring snacks and cheer for the team. Then I took on the official role as Team Mom. I would sit in the stands and take pictures, post on social media, live stream our matches, and generally make a complete spectacle of myself, much to the chagrin of my child. This past season, our amazing Marketing Mentor, Kevin Gingerich, approached me and asked me if I wanted an official "Mentor" spot as his co-lead. I jumped at the chance! To be official? Heck yeah! I happily submitted to the background check and began looking for ways to be as much help to our team as I could. Our team is comprised of kids in all colors of the rainbow. Many of these kids have parents that don't speak English. Some have parents that escaped war-torn countries to be here. And Kevin welcomed them all. He showed me how to be a ment...