
Showing posts from July, 2018

The Battle Between the Boob and the Bottle

This week, the US made headlines when the WHO released its guidelines regarding the promotion of breastfeeding and formula when some countries announced that they were "bullied" and threatened with economic and military sanctions if they did not support the US position. As someone who both breast and formula fed; I see this debate all the time.  In this country, we perceive breastfeeding unlike almost anywhere else in the world.  Of the richest nations, the US is in the bottom 3 among breastfeeding rates. It is a more polarizing topic among women than almost anything else. Feed in public? Shamed because how dare you show a boob.  Feed in private? Shamed because it's your right to feed your baby where you want to.  Formula feed? How DARE you not want to do what is best for your child.  Do you want them to have chronic illness? Because that's wha...