An indisputable truth about Black Folk......

I was sitting watching television the other night, and there seemed to be no lack of scary movies on. The Possession, The Last Exorcism, The Last Exorcism part 2, The Haunting of some chick, The Possession of another chick, and so on. However, I did notice one glaring fact.... Black people are not possessed by demons or the Devil. So, I had to sit and ask myself...why? 1. Black folk are not not going to open the door to any possibility that something might come in. That's just another mouth to feed and who ain't paying rent. No way no how. No Ouija boards, seances, holding hands in a circle chanting...nope. Not happening. 2. There is NO WAY we are EVER opening a book what looks like this. Ever. Ever ever. If a book has a face on it and it looks like it will eat you? No. No translating any weird languages, reading anything that even remotely resembles being written in blood.... nope. If the book...