The first step is the hardest....
I've had a hell of a past year. No lie. I left a 10 year stint with Carolinas Healthcare to take a leap of faith with a doctor that I respect and admire to do something I never dreamed of. I got re-married, something that I could have told you that I would NEVER do again. My daughter graduated high school and started college. My husband graduated college. And my entire immediate family (minus my brother), has now moved to the area. I also took the leap into Network Marketing. I know, I know, you think Network Marketing and people immediately associate it with a Pyramid Scheme or Amway. It's like a dirty word. Pssssst, I'm in Network Marketing... It's like hey, I drive around a creeper van and try to abduct children. I know it may not be quite THAT bad, but sometimes people make you feel that way! I was approached for over a year to join a particular company. A woman that I highly respect, admire, and genuinely like wa...