The first step is the hardest....
I've had a hell of a past year. No lie. I left a 10 year stint with Carolinas Healthcare to take a leap of faith with a doctor that I respect and admire to do something I never dreamed of. I got re-married, something that I could have told you that I would NEVER do again. My daughter graduated high school and started college. My husband graduated college. And my entire immediate family (minus my brother), has now moved to the area.
I also took the leap into Network Marketing. I know, I know, you think Network Marketing and people immediately associate it with a Pyramid Scheme or Amway. It's like a dirty word. Pssssst, I'm in Network Marketing... It's like hey, I drive around a creeper van and try to abduct children. I know it may not be quite THAT bad, but sometimes people make you feel that way!
I was approached for over a year to join a particular company. A woman that I highly respect, admire, and genuinely like was persistent but not pushy in her pursuit. (Like that alliteration?). I kept saying No. Every time she would see me post on Facebook about how I had no money because I wasn't getting child support; she would message me. I'd say No. I'd post about not being able to afford Christmas presents for my kids. She'd message me. I'd say No. Finally, someone COMPLETELY different than her, but in the same business, got me to say Yes. (How's that for a kick in the pants?)
There are hundreds of Network Marketing companies out there. People forget that Mary Kay, Tupperware and Avon are ALL Network Marketing entities. The formula is the same. You buy in for a set price. You may or may not be required to purchase a kit to start up. You may or may not be required to order a minimum monthly amount. And the end goal is the same. Find like minded people like you to either want to sell the same products you do, or buy them from you. Seems pretty simple doesn't it?
When I joined It Works Global as an Independent Distributor I honestly thought; this is going to be a cake walk. I have a background in healthcare, I have a personal health and wellness story that people can identify with, and people seem to like me. I didn't, however, respect my business the way I should have, and I didn't work it the way that I could have. I let my hang ups about being a failure and feeling like don't want to be a burden on anyone cripple me. I have never had a job that I didn't excel at. I'm not used to being told "No". I don't want to be a "bother". So I sat back and did the minimum amount of work that I had to, all the while watching my peers promote. Feeling like a failure. Feeling jealous and resentful and "Why not me". I want it just as much if not MORE than they do. They have husbands who work and they don't have to have a full time job just to keep the lights on and food on the table. They have more time than I do. They are better than I am. They are getting more help than I am. I made up my mind to cut my losses and walk away. I decided, I can't do this. It's too hard. But what I had forgotten was the reason I said yes in the first place. It was because I believed in myself and the products. I let my fears take over and put out the fire that I had inside me. I looked at my children and I knew that I wanted MORE. I didn't want to ever have another Christmas where I needed financial help. I wanted to be able to put child support when I got it away for a rainy day, and not need it to put food on the table. I wanted to know that I could support my new husband as I saw him sink lower and lower and question his decision to go back to school because he can't find a job, even with a degree.
So I started out 2016 with one goal in mind. To find people who need what I have, and want to change their lives too. People who want to work because they are tired of having to struggle. People who have goals and dreams and aspirations. People who believe. Network Marketing is one of the only jobs in the world where every single person in the company has the ABILITY become a CEO. You can't do that anywhere else. Your education doesn't matter. Your social and economic status doesn't matter. What matters is you. Your heart. Your will. Your desire. Your dreams. You will get out of it what you put into it. And if you want it badly enough, there is nothing that you can't do.
I also took the leap into Network Marketing. I know, I know, you think Network Marketing and people immediately associate it with a Pyramid Scheme or Amway. It's like a dirty word. Pssssst, I'm in Network Marketing... It's like hey, I drive around a creeper van and try to abduct children. I know it may not be quite THAT bad, but sometimes people make you feel that way!
I was approached for over a year to join a particular company. A woman that I highly respect, admire, and genuinely like was persistent but not pushy in her pursuit. (Like that alliteration?). I kept saying No. Every time she would see me post on Facebook about how I had no money because I wasn't getting child support; she would message me. I'd say No. I'd post about not being able to afford Christmas presents for my kids. She'd message me. I'd say No. Finally, someone COMPLETELY different than her, but in the same business, got me to say Yes. (How's that for a kick in the pants?)
There are hundreds of Network Marketing companies out there. People forget that Mary Kay, Tupperware and Avon are ALL Network Marketing entities. The formula is the same. You buy in for a set price. You may or may not be required to purchase a kit to start up. You may or may not be required to order a minimum monthly amount. And the end goal is the same. Find like minded people like you to either want to sell the same products you do, or buy them from you. Seems pretty simple doesn't it?
When I joined It Works Global as an Independent Distributor I honestly thought; this is going to be a cake walk. I have a background in healthcare, I have a personal health and wellness story that people can identify with, and people seem to like me. I didn't, however, respect my business the way I should have, and I didn't work it the way that I could have. I let my hang ups about being a failure and feeling like don't want to be a burden on anyone cripple me. I have never had a job that I didn't excel at. I'm not used to being told "No". I don't want to be a "bother". So I sat back and did the minimum amount of work that I had to, all the while watching my peers promote. Feeling like a failure. Feeling jealous and resentful and "Why not me". I want it just as much if not MORE than they do. They have husbands who work and they don't have to have a full time job just to keep the lights on and food on the table. They have more time than I do. They are better than I am. They are getting more help than I am. I made up my mind to cut my losses and walk away. I decided, I can't do this. It's too hard. But what I had forgotten was the reason I said yes in the first place. It was because I believed in myself and the products. I let my fears take over and put out the fire that I had inside me. I looked at my children and I knew that I wanted MORE. I didn't want to ever have another Christmas where I needed financial help. I wanted to be able to put child support when I got it away for a rainy day, and not need it to put food on the table. I wanted to know that I could support my new husband as I saw him sink lower and lower and question his decision to go back to school because he can't find a job, even with a degree.
So I started out 2016 with one goal in mind. To find people who need what I have, and want to change their lives too. People who want to work because they are tired of having to struggle. People who have goals and dreams and aspirations. People who believe. Network Marketing is one of the only jobs in the world where every single person in the company has the ABILITY become a CEO. You can't do that anywhere else. Your education doesn't matter. Your social and economic status doesn't matter. What matters is you. Your heart. Your will. Your desire. Your dreams. You will get out of it what you put into it. And if you want it badly enough, there is nothing that you can't do.
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