Family FIRST, and life changing events...

I have written about my family more than anything else, because they are what makes me who I am. They are the reason I get up in the morning. The reason I breathe every day. The first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing on my mind when I fall asleep. I am extremely lucky to have loving parents, incredible siblings, a (now) great husband and two of the most amazing kids on the planet. Being a mother is one of the most defining parts of who I am. It's the biggest part of my heart. Even though my kids are technically adults, being their mom will never stop. I'll never stop worrying about them, even though they can take care of themselves. Over the last 6 years, being a part of a FIRST Robotics team made me a "mom" in other ways. 40-50 high school students every year have been a big part of my life, and I have been lucky to inspire them and to let them know that they always have a "safe space" with me. When something happens to your ch...