Dear makers of Bunchems.... I would like to punch you in the throat....

One of my many nicknames is Chocolate Mary Poppins. It was given to me YEARS ago by a tiny blonde haired, blue eyed tot named Gretchen. I watched her for the very first time and as I was on my way home, my phone rang. It was Gretchen's mom. I picked up the phone and she was laughing so hard I initially thought she was crying. I thought..."They were alive when I left! I thought they had a great time! I swear I didn't break them!!" It turns out the conversation after I left went like this.. In the bathtub... G: Mama, do we have any chocolate? M: I think so, why? G: I just want to know how many chocowate baws I have to eat before I can get bwown like Ms. Mewissa... M: Honey... I don't think there is enough chocolate in the world for that... Thus... Chocolate Mary Poppins was Born... In over 30 years watching literally hundreds of children, I have never encountered a toy of evil like I did tonight. I had 2 8 year old girls and one almo...