Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water......
You know when you watch a scary movie, right? And someone goes to the basement stairs; flicks the lights; and they don't work? And then they go downstairs ANYWAY. You KNOW they are gonna DIE. It's like fire is hot, water is wet, go down in the basement with no lights and you're going to get ate. There are certain people in your life, that no matter how hard you try to give them the benefit of the doubt, they will never change. They will never not disappoint you. They will never do the right thing. They will never think of consequences or repercussions. Yet somehow they do something that gives them a glimmer of humanity and you think, "wow, maybe they're human after all!". And invariably....the other shoe drops. And you kick yourself for even believing for one second that a leopard can change it's spots. We want to trust people, I think it's part of our nature. Especially people that we come into contact with o...