
Showing posts from June, 2011

Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the water......

You know when you watch a scary movie, right?  And someone goes to the basement stairs; flicks the lights; and they don't work?  And then they go downstairs ANYWAY.  You KNOW they are gonna DIE.  It's like fire is hot, water is wet, go down in the basement with no lights and you're going to get ate.  There are certain people in your life, that no matter how hard you try to give them the benefit of the doubt, they will never change.  They will never not disappoint you.  They will never do the right thing.  They will never think of consequences or repercussions.  Yet somehow they do something that gives them a glimmer of humanity and you think, "wow, maybe they're human after all!".  And invariably....the other shoe drops.  And you kick yourself for even believing for one second that a leopard can change it's spots.  We want to trust people, I think it's part of our nature.  Especially people that we come into contact with o...

When I'm just doggone tired.......

Sometimes, you're just tired.  Worn out.  Exhausted.  Emotionally and physically.  Worried about how to pay this bill and that bill being one person.  Thinking that it would be great to be able to sleep in one Sunday, or take the kids to brunch, without having to get up and be at work at 815 am.  Entertaining thoughts of "found money" or the Publisher's Clearing House prize patrol showing up at your door.  Fantasizing about not having to be everything to everyone, and just be able to take your worries, your doubts, your fears; and lay them at someone else's feet for once.  I can't deny that it would be really nice to have another pair of shoulders to carry my burdens, but then I realize that even though I'm just me, I've been given an incredible gift.  Through my journey to get to the destination I am now, I've learned so much about myself, my family, my friends, and my faith.  I realized that no matter how bad my day is, I will be ...

Teenage Friendship......

Every day I look at my daughter Jordyn and see how much she's grown over the last few years.  Her likes, dislikes, attitude (in spades :-)), and friends have undergone this crazy metamorphosis since she started school.  Her days used to be spent playing Barbies and Bratz, and now they're spent on Facebook and Skype.  How did childhood change so much?  How did we move from a society of "toys" that took imagination to play with, to a society of toys that require ZERO imagination?  She and her friends will literally sit on their laptops right next to each other, typing conversations, updating statuses, creeping on profiles....and their conversations are peppered with a new kind of shorthand language...LMFAO, SMH, FML...just to name a few.  I consider myself "hip" and up on what's going on, but I've had to go to the old and look up a few of these, as to not appear COMPLETELY lost.  These girls are wrapped up in things like who has mor...

Rear Ended......and groceries!

Wow.  Sitting at a stoplight and all you hear is the crash of metal and feel the shudder of your car experiencing an impact that you had no idea was coming.  That's the feeling of being rear ended!  Hopefully the insurance company of the at fault driver (that NOT being me) will help get things all set! In other news....Being a single mom has its own sets of challenges.  One of them being a single working mom; and how to get grocery shopping done and spend as little money as possible!  One of the best tips I can give is to, if you have a local one, shop at Aldi.  Aldi is owned by the same "parent company" as Trader Joe's, and they have amazing deals on a lot of your non perishable goods, IQF (individually quick frozen) meats, and fresh produce.  Things like frozen chicken breasts, soups, sugar, spices, etc. are amazingly cheap at Aldi.  Also, most grocery stores change their ads on Wednesday.  They also have their circulars online, with ...

Father's Day.....

Father's day takes on a special significance when you are a single mother.  Coming from a family that had such a strong father figure, it almost feels like you are somewhat of a failure when Father's day comes around...especially when there is a disconnect with the father of your children.  My kids love their dad, but they don't have nearly the strong bond with their father that I did with mine.   There will be days, sometimes more than a week that goes by with no contact between them.  He doesn't seem to know anything about their lives, their likes, or their loves. I look at my daughter and I see sometimes how closed off and cold she has become.  I look at my son and wonder when he'll be more independent, and less clingy..and I wonder, if they had grown up in an intact home, would that be the case?  We raise our daughters to be strong, fierce, and independent; and our sons to be gentlemen...but do we raise our son's to be fathers?  To be there?...