When I'm just doggone tired.......

Sometimes, you're just tired.  Worn out.  Exhausted.  Emotionally and physically.  Worried about how to pay this bill and that bill being one person.  Thinking that it would be great to be able to sleep in one Sunday, or take the kids to brunch, without having to get up and be at work at 815 am.  Entertaining thoughts of "found money" or the Publisher's Clearing House prize patrol showing up at your door.  Fantasizing about not having to be everything to everyone, and just be able to take your worries, your doubts, your fears; and lay them at someone else's feet for once.  I can't deny that it would be really nice to have another pair of shoulders to carry my burdens, but then I realize that even though I'm just me, I've been given an incredible gift.  Through my journey to get to the destination I am now, I've learned so much about myself, my family, my friends, and my faith.  I realized that no matter how bad my day is, I will be able to survive it.  No matter how tired I am, I'll be able to get done what NEEDS to be done.  I've learned to prioritize.  To ask myself the question, "What is the WORST THING that would happen if _____ doesn't get done?"  Amazingly, the answer to that question, 9 times out of 10, is nothing.  What is the absolute WORST thing that can happen if the laundry doesn't get folded?  If the dishwasher doesn't get run?  If I forget to vacuum?  If the bed isn't made?  If I have a bowl of cereal for dinner instead of cooking?  That puts things in perspective.  I've learned that I'm not that "mommy martyr".  That mother that puts herself and her needs last, because everyone else's comes first.  I've learned to be selfish when it's ok to be, because if I'm not, nobody else will be selfish for me.  So when I'm just doggone tired.....I say screw it and just go to sleep.  What's the WORST thing that can happen if I wait and do it tomorrow?


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