Teenage Friendship......

Every day I look at my daughter Jordyn and see how much she's grown over the last few years.  Her likes, dislikes, attitude (in spades :-)), and friends have undergone this crazy metamorphosis since she started school.  Her days used to be spent playing Barbies and Bratz, and now they're spent on Facebook and Skype.  How did childhood change so much?  How did we move from a society of "toys" that took imagination to play with, to a society of toys that require ZERO imagination?  She and her friends will literally sit on their laptops right next to each other, typing conversations, updating statuses, creeping on profiles....and their conversations are peppered with a new kind of shorthand language...LMFAO, SMH, FML...just to name a few.  I consider myself "hip" and up on what's going on, but I've had to go to the old urbandictionary.com and look up a few of these, as to not appear COMPLETELY lost.  These girls are wrapped up in things like who has more friends, how "attractive" someone is (belive me, I hear the word attractive at LEAST 54124 times a day...), who is "dating" whom (which is kind of an oxymoron...how do you date someone you've never met in person, or who you can't physically go anywhere with??). 

I guess, in the big picture, I could have it worse...I could have a child that is sullen, withdrawn, that doesn't share things with me....she could be into drugs, sex, alcohol, or some other sort of alternative lifestyle.  At least she still shares all of the things with me that she finds amusing and still tags me in posts, or shares links on my wall.  As long as we're communicating, I guess I'll take the good along with the bad. 


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