The old saying that God never gives you more than you can handle...

There have been many many times in my life where I just think "Lord? I'm not sure how strong I am and how much more I can take." When I moved across the country as a young bride and ended up on a military base alone. No car, no friends, no job. Somehow I overcame.  Moving to North Carolina by myself sight unseen with a 12 week old child and a 3 year old. No friends, no job, no idea what this place held. But again, let's do this. When my ex husband sent me an email asking for a divorce and telling me that I needed to find a job after being a stay at home mom for 5 years. Okay, well let's do what has to be done. When my family went through the worst thing that any family could imagine, and it forever changed the relationship between my children and their father, we made it through. We are fighting the battle of the unknown disease with my daughter. But we don't give up. But when you fight for everything, always try to keep your head high and do unto others, when things happen sometimes you think, really?? My ex husband lost his job. Which means no health insurance for my kids. No financial support. Nothing. But you know what? We won't lay down and let it beat us. I have always said that I'm not too proud to do anything for my kids. If that means applying for government assistance, so be it. If that means working 2 or 3 jobs? Okay. Most parents will do whatever it takes to make sure that their families are taken care of.  And I have to have faith that no matter how weak I think my shoulders are sometimes, that someone up there knows that I can bear the load.  I just want to be the best example that I can for my kids, and show them that no matter what life throws at you, strap on the catcher's mitt and meet it head on. And if things go well, toss it right back.


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