Amazing Plastic?  I think not…..

Everyone has one.  Most people think it’s the bane of their kitchen.  I’m talking about the Plastic Ware cabinet.  Or drawer.  Or closet.  Or wherever it is that you keep your Tupperware, Rubbermaid, or any other plastic type storage items.  I hate mine.  I honestly do.  Every so often I’ll get one of the kids (usually through bribery), to sit in the kitchen and find all of the matches.  Then we take the non-matching pieces and toss them out.  Eureka! One might say.  Nope.  Somehow, some way, it’s a short lived fix.  Somehow we find ourselves with a decided lack of containers, and then we have to go and find some more.  I had this brilliant idea to only get the Rubbermaid non-staining ones, thinking that wow, I’d finally have this really cute matching set of food storage and everything would fit!  Curses, foiled again. 
When you go to a potluck, or take food to someone, you don’t want to actually “give” them your good Tupperware.  What if you don’t get it back?  There is always that risk, and people get possessive of their food storage!  So, you go out and buy some cheap Gladware and think, wow, this is a good deal!  I should get some of this to take my work lunches in!  Or send with the kids!  Or find some other wonderful domestic use for!  Plus, they’re so CHEAP!  So you buy some.  And little by little the chaos begins again. You order Chinese food from the local Chinese place.  The food comes in these nifty take out containers and you think, I can’t just throw these out!  I can use them for (fill in the blank here).   Add those to the pile.  You go to the grocery store and get some lunch meat.  It comes in one of those cool containers, wow!  You eat all of the deli thin ham and look at the container and think, I can’t just throw this away!  What if I need it for (fill in the blank again here)?  Then you need a big piece of plastic storage for some random event so you buy that.  And so on.  And so forth.  Until one day, you look in said cabinet/drawer/closet and you wonder how in the name of all that is holy you have so many pieces. 

I decided one time, forget the plastic, I’m going all glass.  So I went and got glass storage with nifty lids.  Until the glass broke and then I had lids that didn’t go with anything because they were interchangeable.  Or the plastic lids got stained with tomato based products and I was mad that the pretty lids weren’t pretty anymore. 

Back to plastic I went.  And now, I sit in my kitchen, cursing the deep dark cabinet in the corner of the kitchen that is filled with plastic, and wonder, yet again, how it got so full. 


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