The end of an era.......Potter is done....

When I was in college I had grandiose dreams of writing the next great novel.  I had the entire plot mapped out in my head; and pictured myself on book signings; talk shows, and posing tastefully for my bookjacket picture.  When I read the first Harry Potter book, I'll admit that I'd had no idea what the fuss was all about.  I didn't read the first book until I was pregnant with my son; in the year 2000.  I was taking college classes at an adult studies program, and someone mentioned the "phenomenon" that was Harry Potter to me.  I, of course, being a bit of a literary snob, was prepared to be underwhelmed by the fictional tale of a boy wizard.  I was completely unprepared for how quickly I was to be sucked into the magical world of Hogwarts, the young survior Harry Potter, his annoyingly smart friend Hermoine, and the gangly and awkward Ron.  I devoured the first book in record time; and quickly had to procure the next two.  I couldn't believe how quickly I became immersed in the books....heartbroken for Harry at the loss of his parents, pissed off at his aunt and uncle, scared of the evil Voldemort, and I was rooting for Hermoine and Harry to be a magical match made in heaven.  When the fourth book came out I got it the first day, and then I wasn't prepared for how much grief I felt once I finished.  How dare this woman take so damn long to write ME another book! (because you know it was all about me..).  I read the next book in record time after the release.  When the seventh and final book came out; I wanted to savor it.  Like fine wine or dark chocolate.  I knew that once I was done with this one...there would be no more.  I know I could always go back and re-read them..but it would never be the same.  It would never be the "first time".  I watched the movies when they came out, one by one, and finally, my Potter Journey culminated with the midnight release of Part 2 of the Deathly Hallows.  The theater was filled with women and men, young and old, all races, creeds, and colors...yet we were all tied together with the string that is Potter.  There were cheers, sighs, tears, and shouts of exhaltation as the movie wound towards its inevitable end.  I felt the entire gamut of, pain, sadness, happiness, fear, and excitement....and when the credits finally rolled, a tear rolled down my cheek.  It was over.  There would be no more "new" Potter.  No new books.  No new movies.  Everything from this point forward would be a redo.  14 years after the publication of the first book.....Potter was done.  Thank you, Harry Potter, for making the last 10 years of my life a magical one. 


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