That New Car Smell.....

Seriously.  Is there ANYTHING in the world like that new car smell?  I remember purchasing my first new car.  Honestly, I was 36 years old.  Yep.  That old.  I'd "had" new cars before...but never my own.  My ex husband had always had the income, so he was the owner, and I just was primary on the insurance becuase it was cheaper.  (Go figure).  In 2007, I bought my first first EVER car.  It was a Honda Pilot.  The Silver Bullet.  I loved that car.  It was  mom-mobile, but not a minivan.  It had that "cool factor" that the party van lacked.  However, in this great city of Charlotte, NC....silver must be an invisible color.  Not once, not twice, but 3 times I was rear ended in the Silver Bullet.  I was considering getting one of those stickers that they put on the back end of mail trucks...."This Vehicle Makes Frequent Stops"....Seriously.  Then I got a rental car.  I haven't driven a car in almost 13 years.  I went from mommy van, to mommy van, to mommy SUV.....a car was an almost alien object for me.  Then I got in the car.  And my 39 year old psyche became 18 again.  It was FAST.  It was low slung.  It had a much nicer radio than my Mom-mobile.  I began to salivate at the thought of breaking out of soccer-mom mode and into Fabulous, Flirty, and (almost) Forty mode.  I could drive a car now, right?  I didn't need a third row of seats that I always left folded down...I wasn't hauling multiple kids, soccer gear, softball gear, groceries, and general crap around anymore...was I?  I began my search for my Autobot.  I perused the internet.  Watched television commercials, and finally settled on the beauty that I shall call, Moonracer.  She is a deep sapphire blue.  Sleek. Fast. Powerful.  Driving her is like riding in the hand of God.  I traded in the Silver Bullet on the badassness that is Moonracer.  Getting in the car is a feast for my senses.  Touch, Smell, Sight, Sound....I haven't enjoyed driving this much in years.  So, now Moonracer and I shall begin many adventures together...and hopefully I won't need to haul around a bike rack to keep from getting popped in the ass end. 


  1. Love it! But seriously, the bike rack on the back is a great way to keep people back :-)


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