The foray into online dating..........
Ok, meeting boys isn't like it was 25 years ago. No walking around the mall with your friends, giggling behind hands as you follow a group of cute guys, hoping one of them will ask his friend to ask your friend to ask you out. No note passing, getting set up on a blind date with friends, or having your parents try to hook you up with kids of their friends. No, now it's all about the internets. Dating sites such as, Eharmony, and others tempt you with the promise of finding the "perfect" mate. Just plug in your criteria in a man, write a suitably witty profile, and just wait for the man of your dreams to walk in to your laptop and sweep you off of your virtual feet. They just don't tell you that, if you want any chance at all at returning a wink, replying to an email, or getting to the "nitty gritty" about a potential match, you have to be willing to part with the low low price of 30.00 American dollars a month. (although using the Lego blocks to build your profile is "free") For those who don't feel the need to pay to find a partner, sites like Plentyoffish offer unlimited emailing and profile viewing in your quest to find your possible prince charming. And if you're feeling REALLY adventurous, check out your local craigslist website and click on the personals section. Lets just say.....whatever your thirty one flavors are, you're bound to find one that fits your scoop. I mean everything from short term encounters, keep it on the down low and don't tell my wife, I'm looking for someone to just have a baby for me, to I'm really honest/lonely/rich/real/etc and I'm looking for LOOOOVE. So far, I've been a cautious spectator, not up to investing the financial commitment for the "big" sites, willing to get into the mediocrity found in the fish pond, and for damn sure not the special kind of crazy it takes to go looking for love down the craigslist aisle. So as I take off my shoes, roll up my pant legs, and prepare to wade gingerly into the tide pools of dating.....I think about this quote....
Online dating is just as murky and full of lemons as finding a used car in the classifieds. Once you learn the lingo, it's easier to spot the models with high mileage and no warranty.
Online dating is just as murky and full of lemons as finding a used car in the classifieds. Once you learn the lingo, it's easier to spot the models with high mileage and no warranty.
LAURIE PERRY, Crazy Aunt Purl's Home Is Where the Wine Is
Amen to that! My suggestion is to create the free profile and let the guy pay the monthly fee and find you. That's how he can be prince charming and sweep you off your feet.